Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A Random WalMart Rant

At least once a week I find myself at WalMart.
I have a hate-hate realtionship with WalMart.
I hate that there are 4 or 5 items that I have
to buy there. Well, I guess I don't have to,
but the savings on some items is so great that
I feel compelled to buy them there. The other
side of the coin is that I HATE being in the store.
It is always understaffed, poorly signed, cluttered,
and low on inventory. I am at a loss to understand
how WalMart got to be the powerhouse that it is.
The whole place runs contrary to anything approaching
customer service. As someone who is hyper-focused on
customer service, going into WalMart is like putting on
wool underwear. My one glimmer of hope is that Target
continues to challenge them.

In the meantime, I shop at Trader Joe's for
the bulk of my food, and save my trips to WalMart
for a day that has already been lousy. I try never
to go to WalMart when I am in a good mood, it just
blows the whole thing.

1 comment:

  1. Ok, Megan, I have to agree with you about WarMart (as I have aptly nicknamed it). The monstrosity that it is is an absolute slap in the face to everything small businesses hold dear; the customer is the most important part of the business. WalMart is like a great big fat cat that bites it's owner as he pours the gourmet food into its bowl. It's so unfortunate, too. I applaud any business that is able to grow so large, and produce so much; but, in WalMart's case, the complete loss of vision in customer service is appalling.

    Don't even get me started on some of the customers...

